Mostly Dreich

17th January 2025

A generally cloudy and damp day with light rain and fresh South-Westerly winds. Wetter and windier at higher elevations with summit temperatures around 5 degrees C. In the glen 10 degrees C. With cloud bases between 500 to 600 metres for most of the day views have been limited.

Dreich    adjective .., damp, wet, grey weather…

It will be cloudy but mainly dry overnight and through tomorrow. Winds will be fresh to strong from the South and the freezing level continues to be above the summits. Into Sunday, it is looking like the colder conditions later on are unlikely to bring any lying snow.


Brighter than expected start to the morning, the Three Sisters


Almost a patch of blue sky over Buchaille Etive Beag


But for most of the day, low cloud and some light rain, here looking into Coire Tulaich


A cloudy Coire nam Beith, but still beautiful and atmospheric…


Possibly of interest, summit temperatures gathered for the Glencoe area so far this season, with early sub zero fluctuations, above zero fluctuations over the festive period, the definitive freezing conditions early January and the current significant thaw.

Data from daily snow profiles

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