No visibility!

4th January 2018

It was a day of no visibility – therefore today’s photos are slightly random in nature.

The freezing level has lowered and there is a breakable crust on the snow – hard work on foot, slightly better (just!) on skis….

Glencoe Mountain Resort were working hard to get the top runs open – The photo below shows a buddy system in operation where one machine was being used as heavy anchor for the other machine as it worked on some of the steeper sections. Good effort lads!

Safety in numbers! Using your buddy as a belay…


They had a lot of work to do as everything at the top of the mountain including the uplift tow was covered in a heavy coating of rime ice…

Heavy rime ice on the tower near the summit of Meall a’Bhuiridh.


No views on the summit of Meall a’Bhuiridh but the summit rocks had an interesting coating of rime ice as well… Rime ice builds into the wind and can usually give you an indication of where the prevailing wind has come from…However at the moment the winds have been so variable that everything pretty much has a solid 360 degree coating!

Interesting shaped summit rocks and rime ice on Meall a’Bhuiridh


Thick low cloud today so no summit views! Actually no views at all….

Looking West along the A82. Low cloud giving very poor visibility today

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