A grey and mild Christmas.
25th December 2018
It was a mild and claggy day in Glen Coe today. It was also very mild with summit tempertues or around +5ºC. This was not exactly what I had hoped for for Christmas. It did however stay dry which, I suspect, will be more than can be said for tomorrow.
Given that less than totally festive weather conditions here in Glen Coe did make me wonder about what was going on in other parts of the Northern Hemisphere, where would you have to go to get a proper white Christmas. Below the the NOAA snow cover map for Christmas eve (the Christmas day one had not been published as I write this. However, I can’t see it being very different). Essentially any landmass out with Scotland at the similar latitude as Glen Coe is currently looking pretty white. In terms of temperature Ika in Russia recorded a chilly -53.9ºC yesterday. At the other end of the scale Marble Bar in Australia recorded a not very Christmassy +48.1ºC
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