Cloudy with freezing level @ around 930 metres….

23rd January 2022

The freezing level was around 930 metres. Winds were fresh to strong from a South-Westerly direction with some light rain on occasions, sleet on the highest summits. The snowpack remains well bonded, icy in places above 950 metres and stability in generally good. Snow cover is patchy with the greatest accumulations in sheltered gullies and hollows and on Northerly to Easterly aspects, mainly above 850 metres. The avalanche hazard is Low.

Aonach Eagach Ridge looking gloomy.

Looking into Stob Coire nam Beith, the cloud just covering the west summit of Bidean.

Stob Dearg and Coire na Tuliach, Buachaille Etive Mor.

3 Sisters of Glen Coe.

Snow still lingering on the high Northerly slopes.

Folks out looking for snow on Northerly aspects on Meall a’ Bhuiridh.

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