Rhinocéros Snot!
31st December 2017
Well it was a wet one to end 2017. Overnight and through the day the precipitation did not really stop. Below about 500 metres this fell mainly as rain. However, above that level it fell as wet, clingy, sticky snow. It was probably a bit drier snow on the highest summits, but I did not get that high. The best analogy I can’t think for travel at  700 metres today was wading through 30cm Rhinoceros snot (admittedly I don’t have much experience with practicalities of  Rhinoceros snot, or whether they in fact produce snot, but you get the idea).  More snow expected over the next few days.
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That guy from the internet
31st December 2017 4:15 pm
‘Rhinoceros snot’ – excellent, Blair!
I’m sure it’s not in the International Classification of Snow…but it should be! (Maybe not Scotland’s best contribution to snow science but certainly would be its most memorable.)
1st January 2018 3:10 pm
Cheers Tom. I have to admit it is not my phrase, I heard it from a ski patroller a few years ago, but thought it captured the feeling of the day pretty well.