Overnight frost…..
15th March 2025
It was a cold night with a frost in the glens this morning, it remained quite chilly through the day but staying dry with good visibility. The winds were generally light from the North-West.

This para glider traversed the Aonach Eagach Ridge early this morning and took off from Sgorr nam Fiannaidh, which is the peak behind the glider. Very little snow was encountered traversing the ridge.

Stob Dearg and Coire na Tulaich ~Buachaille Etive Mor compare snow amount with yesterdays blog photos.

Some recent snow fall still exists mainly above 750 metres this is very shallow, older frozen patches of snow linger in sheltered hollows and gullies.

Sron na Lairig the rocky buttress left of centre at the head of Lairig Eilde with Beinn Fhada on the right..
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