Mild, but not too wet.

18th February 2015

It was a mild day, but thankfully not as wet or windy as I had been expecting. There was a fair bit of water about, but this was more from snow melt than rainfall.  Despite todays thaw snow cover remains pretty good at higher levels, and with colder conditions and more snow forecast over the next few days I think that things should improve.

It seems that the BBC noticed our Brocken Spectre blog post from the 10th of February, and collected together some other good brocken spectre pictures and information for their own website (see

It was even quite bright at times. Compare this to the picture on yesterdays blog.

It was even quite bright at times. Compare this to the picture on yesterdays blog.

The snowpack was quite wet in places.

The snowpack was quite wet in places.

Water pouring off the hill.

Water pouring off the hill. Swollen streams and collapsing snow bridges are a hazard.

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