The lambing snows

5th April 2024

Heavy snow in April is quite common and often called the lambing snow due to the problems it causes for farmers. There was heavy snow last night above around 300 metres. Light snow showers in the morning turned to rain as the freezing level rose through the day.

Significant areas of fresh windslab are present. See the avalanche report for full details.

Visibility was poor today at higher elevations with cloud on most of the mountains. Photos below showing what I could see of the fresh snow.

The 3 sisters.


Looking towards Beinn a’ Bheithir.


Pap of Glencoe


Aonach Eagach


Low cloud on Buachaille Etive Mor.


Fresh snow in Glencoe ski area carpark this morning.


This lamb was born last night. Thanks to Ron for photo.

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