Yet another change in the Weather
22nd January 2018
Well today saw another change in the weather. From sunny and cold on Saturday, to wild and snowy yesterday it went to mildish and damp today. Although it was raining at lower levels it was still just about snowing above about 900 metres. I saw evidence of a couple of recent avalanches; a small one on Beinn Fhada which was visible from the main road and a more substantial one on the Flypaper ski run on Meall a Bhuiridh. It was hard to tell the size of this latter one due to the poor light, but it was a good size two avalanche. I am sure that other avalanches would have occurred in Glen Coe over the past 24 hours. If you do see an evidence of any avalanche activity then it is much appreciated if you can let us now about it by filling the report an avalanche form found on the main SAIS webpage.
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