A busy day in Glencoe.

29th February 2020

It was a better day today, mostly dry conditions with just the odd light snow flurries, winds were fresh to strong from a southerly direction. There were plenty of folks out in the hills today enjoying the good snow cover. However, a word of caution, instabilities persist in the snowpack and avalanche activity was note in the glen today on a North-Easterly aspect. There is more snow forecast overnight and through the day tomorrow maintaining a ‘considerable’ avalanche hazard.

Looking west toward Altnafeadh the A82 road is where the least amount of snow exists.

Walkers making their way in soft moist snow, elevation at around 500 metres

Nearing the summit of Meall a’ Bhuirid and looking westwards, Buachaille Etive Mor catching some clouds on its summit.

Summit cairn of Meall a’ Bhuiridh with Clach Leathad behind.

Looking down the west ridge of Meall a’ Bhiuirdh with the summit of Creise behind. Note avalanche debis on the right.

North-Easterly aspect of Creise with avalanche debis seen more clearly most probably caused by cornice collapse .

Skiers on an North-Easterly aspect on Meall a’Bhuiridh.

Stob Dearg, spot the climber on Curved Ridge.

Climbers seen more clearly on Curved Ridge.

Glen Coe’s 3 sisters

Stob Coire nan Lochan.

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