A cloudy day with ‘mizzle’ to start off the new season.

11th December 2020


The Scottish Avalanche Information Service would recommend that those wishing to enjoy the winter mountains refer to Mountaineering Scotland and Scottish Government advice regarding Covid-19 and outdoor activities.

The freezing level slowly rose to above the highest summits during today, winds were fairly light and it was pretty misty with some mizzle (to rain in very fine drops). The snowpack was mostly thawing some firmer snow above 1000 metres.

This morning a view of the Aonach Eagach ridge, the blue sky was never experienced again this day.

Middle section of the Aonach Eagach ridge very little snow to be seen.

The general cloud base remained the same for most of the day.

This shows the misty conditions that prevailed for most of the day, taken at around 870 metres it became milder as the day progressed. The snowpack is rapidly thawing at this level, it became firmer above 1000 metres but not much to see.

The 3 sisters of Glen Coe.

Looking into the head of Coire nam Beith :note the limited patchy snow cover.

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