Another fine spring day….

16th April 2021

Covid -19

The Scottish Avalanche Information Service issues information to support permitted activity under current Scottish Government guidance.

Please be aware of current mandatory travel restrictions in Local Authority areas within Scotland and respect local communities by referring to Scottish Government guidance and safe route choices for exercise.

This blog is intended to provide hazard and mountain condition information to help plan safer mountain trips.

It was another fine spring day, clear and sunny. Winds were light to moderate over the highest summits from a South-South-West direction otherwise it was generally calm and still.  The freezing level was above the summits. The snowpack is generally well consolidated and stable. Through the day the surface layers softened but stability remained good in most places. Some minor localised surface instabilities developed during the afternoon on steeper slopes exposed to the sunshine, mainly on North through East to South-East aspects above 850 metres. The avalanche hazard is Low.

Stob Dearg of Buachaille Etive Mor.

Sron na Lairig at the head of Lairig Eilde with Beinn Fhada on the right.

The 3 sisters of Glen Coe with Stob Coire nan Lochan behind them.

The Western end of the Aonach Eagach ridge, some snow still present on the northerly aspect.

Stob Coire nan Lochan.

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