Mild, Wet & Windy….

29th December 2021

It snowed above 850 metres during the morning these snow showers turned to rain in the afternoon as the freezing level rose above the highest tops, summit temperatures of plus 2 degrees Celsius by 2pm. Very strong winds started out from the East-South-East then veered to the South-West and remained strong.

Stob Coire Raineach 925 metres with a new dusting of wet snow.

Gearr Aonach on the left and Aonach Dubh on the right. Visibility was poor through the day.

Aonach Eagach ridge showing some new wet snow over the highest summits.

Forecast: The freezing level will be above the highest summits for all of this period. Rain at all levels, heaviest in the early part of the morning, becoming drier in the afternoon, winds will be strong from a South-Westerly direction.

Forecast Snow Stability and Hazard: The snowpack will consolidate further, remaining soft and wet but generally stable. Some localised surface wet snow instabilities may still exist on steeper slopes. Most affected areas will be above 900 metres in steep wind sheltered places, such as coire rims, gully tops and scarp slopes mainly with a North-West through North to East aspects. Any remaining cornices will be soft and prone to collapse. The avalanche hazard will be Low

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