Mild wet and windy new year

1st January 2022

Happy New Year! Today was a mild wet and windy start to the new year. Rain fell at all levels and the remaining snow continues to thaw and diminish. The patchy snowpack is present primarily in gullies on North-West through North to East aspects above 900 metres.  Tomorrow will be mild and windy with showers in the afternoon. Showers will only fall as wet snow on the highest summits. The good news is it is due to get significantly colder with snow showers from Monday.

The remaining snow at Glencoe Ski area, Meall a Bhuiridh.

The waterfall below the chairlift at Glencoe Ski area as the remaining snow melts rapidly.

Buchaille Etive More with only small amounts of snow remaining in Coire Tullaich and near the summit.

Looking up the lost valley to the North West aspects of Bidean nam Bian, which is holding more snow than most locations in Glencoe.

Stob Coire nan Lochan with the limited snow in gullies and some crag aprons.

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