Winter returns

3rd January 2022

After a week of mild weather there was a thin covering of fresh snow today above around 800 metres. The temperature was dropping quickly as the graph below shows. It looks like wintery conditions will continue for the forseable future.

Cloud on the summits restricted photo opportunities today.

Temperatures from 1100 metres on Meall a’ Bhuiridh showing a significant drop to -4.5 degrees today after a prolonged mild period.

The fresh snow is sitting on warm and wet ground. At 1000 metres here my footprints turned to slush very quickly.

Most of what you can see in this photo is fresh snow with a band of older snow just above centre.

The current lack of skiing allows Glencoe Mountain staff to continue working on the construction of the new Rannoch chair.

Stob Dearg, Buachaille Etive Mor.

Coire nan Lochan

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