Fresh snow and wind sheltered locations.

24th February 2022

The hills certainly looked Wintery this morning. There was plenty of evidence of drifting and scouring from the strong overnight Westerly winds.

Looking up to Sgorr Dearg, evidence of scouring on West aspects and deposition on East aspects.

Deposition on North-east aspects on Creag Dubh

Scoured South and South-West aspects on A Chailleach and the Aonach Eagach.

Sometimes the term “wind sheltered locations” is used, on aspects that have windslab deposits. This is often where the greater accumulations of windslab develop. Above is an example of this. This is a North-East aspect running up to 900 metres. On it are steeper hollows and terrain features, creating sheltered lee locations, where windblown snow will be deposited.

Windslab in a “wind sheltered location”, as described above. Here it is showing obvious signs of instability and propagation.

Details of this “avalanche problem” can be found in the avalanche report.

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