Beautiful weather

31st December 2022

It was a cold day with light winds and sunshine. There was a very icy crust to the snowpack after yesterday’s rain was followed by low temperatures overnight and today. The crust got thinner as I ascended where the snowpack didn’t get so wet and was breakable in places but required crampons in other places. It felt very icy on skis! There were isolated areas of windslab in places sheltered from the South-West wind which was strong when this snow fell yesterday evening; much better skiing here.

It was good to see the new Rannoch chair open for the first time meaning no significant queues for lifts despite just the plateau area being open. Some nice skiing conditions where groomed but icy elsewhere at this level as mentioned above.

Meall a’ Bhuiridh from the new Rannoch chairlift which was open for the first time today.

Looking across the Meall a’ Bhuiridh plateau area to Stob Dearg.

Looking West to Creise with Bidean nam Bian and Stob Coire nan Lochan just visible behind.

Looking North to Ben Nevis.

Looking East across Rannoch Moor.

Stob Dearg, Buachaille Etive Mor.

Looking into Coire Gabhail (the Lost Valley).

Dorsal Arete, Coire nan Lochan.

The Aonach Eagach.

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