Dank, moody or atmospheric?
22nd January 2023
Dank, moody and atmospheric are all adjectives that described conditions in Glen Coe today. Which one you would choose would depend on how positive you were trying to be (in this case I will let you choose). It was however, an improving picture with winds dropping and drizzly precipitation in the morning easing. Not the driest day I have had in Glen Coe, but also far from the wettest day. It was mild with the snow level creeping up the hill. Looks like remaining mild until about mid week. Hopefully a bit less drizzle tomorrow.

A bit of a change overnight. Compare this photo with the one of the blog yesterday. In summary less ice, less snow and more water today.

The view South from the Meall a Bhurirdh Creise col. A few wee bits of cornice debris but not very much. The thick mist prevented me from seeing what remains in the way of cornices above.
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