Sunshine and views

26th December 2023

After a cloudy start with a few showers the sun came out to give a clear afternoon. The clear conditions gave a chance to see how much show had fallen on Christmas Day. There is a thin covering of snow on most aspects above 800 metres. The surface of the snow is firm with warmer temperatures yesterday afternoon followed by a much colder day today. All change tomorrow with the arrival of Storm Gerrit bringing Storm force winds and heavy snow. An advantage of the cloud this morning was a chance to see a Brocken Spectre, formed when you have the sun behind you and cloud below.

Snow cover at Glencoe Ski Centre

This is a North-East aspect at around 1000 metres. Snow cover is still thin with no significant deeper accumulation.

Looking East towards Ranch Moor from near the summit of Meall a Bhuiridh.

Brocken Spectre

Buchaille Etive Mor

Stob Coire nam Beith


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