Wetter and Windier

17th December 2023

A challenging day out in the mountains with heavy and persistent rain, and gale force South Westerly winds with severe buffeting in exposed locations. Summit temperatures have again been mild, around 5 degrees Celsius.

Heavy and persistent rain over the forecast area. View down Glencoe and the Three Sisters with full spate conditions.


A wild day over the mountains south of Ballachulish, Beinn a Bheithir and Sgorr Dhonuill, that form the western boundary of the Glencoe forecast area. Sgurr na h-Ulaidh and Beinn Fhionnlaidh completely lost in the cloud.

The outlook initially is to become dryer through the early hours with winds easing. During the day tomorrow there will be rain showers as West South West winds steadily increase, with gusts around 45mph on ‘Munro’ tops. The freezing level drops in the afternoon to around 1300 metres, showers may fall as a dusting of snow on the highest summits.

Remaining unsettled through the week, slightly more wintery at times.

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